понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.
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Today was first day of, you know. TP was well in progress. Reached there like close to 8am while Shah reached at 7.30am on the dot. Sorry Iapos;m late luh okay Anyway, we walked around TP and like found the canteen for breakfast. I�shall bring more food tmr. HAHA�Anyway, yeah. We managed to explore TP awhile. Before the thing actually starts. But, after breakfast we were walking walking. And, before we knew it, we were lost. HAHA But, we managed to find our way back. Like using the maps there.
We actually saw our batch of girls but, decided to walk in separate ways from them. We still managed though. HAHA�It was damn funny. I had to repeatedly remind Shah to act like normal so people will believe that weapos;re actually students from there. HAH Damn hilarious luh. Yeah, then we actually walked pass the lecturer not knowing that he was our lecturer. So, we actually reached a little late. HAHA�But, I swear we were there before anyone Yeah, break was everytime. Seriously.
And, then the icebreakers and all. Oh.. I BINGO-ED first So, I�won a badge. Well, at least�I won. I can tell Deonn this. HAHA Hmmm. Yeah. Lunch break was two hours Thanks uh, to whoever who asked for two hours. It was bloody long luh We practically made our way to the canteen while the lecturer was bringing the rest of the class on a tour. We just walked off like that. HAHA�Seriously damn funnny. It was weird to walk around in a huge group luh. Anyway, yeah. Since we had nothing to do after our lunch during break, we went to the library and read some books and eventually slept. HAHA
Everyone there was like sleeping. Seriously. We see them sleep, we also sleep luh. HAHA Oh. And, we made friends. Actually, no. We just gave them nicknames without even knowing them. HAHA�To people who actually know these people, there was another apos;tuitionapos; there. Seriously damn annoying. Then, there were Claudettes. Like not one, but two. HAHA Then thereapos;s butch. Sheapos;s our friend. And Hady Mirza. We actually met Hady lehhh�Jealous..?
HAHAH�Okayluh. Thatapos;s about it. Actually, no. Thereapos;s more. But, do I�look like Iapos;m gonna tell you all this ??� -.- NOPE
So, Goodnight. And, a special dedication going out to apos;Chapalangapos;. NOT Hahah
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.
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Kaikille uteliaille tiedoksi, ett� treffini eiv�t olleet sellaiset ih-ih-treffit, jollaisten kunnon treffien kuuluisi olla. Enemm�nkin oli kaverillinen fiilis. Mutta t�ysin itsekk�st� n�k�kulmasta katsoen se oli ihan hyv� siis oli hyv� viett� muutama tunti ihmis(t)en ilmoilla, sill� t�m�n p�iv�n "krapulaolo" on ollut sellainen, ett� olisin varmaankin murehtinut asioita ja el�m�� jos olisin viett�nyt koko p�iv�n itsekseni. Eilen illalla olin kuitenkin semisemihyperinen, jonka j�lkeen s�ngyn pohjalle laskeutuminen olisi ollut tilanmuutoksena turhan suuri.
Voi hyv� jumala.... Iapos;m fucked...
"Youapos;re born with nothing, and better off that way."
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Operation: Gym is proving to be more challenging then expected. By this I mean that my one group weights class and a half-hour on the elliptical machine completely kicked my ass. Iapos;m not even going to tell you which weights I had to use for the class, because itapos;s embarrassing. I tried to tell myself that the first class with a new instructor is always hard, and that me spending the morning loading things into and out of trucks had not helped. Both are true, but really, thatapos;s what I get for being lazy. I hadnapos;t been to a gym for over a month - by far the longest stretch in at least 4 years.
I saw Quarantine. It was mostly good, harmless, gory zombie fun. However, three minor things bothered me: It took the so-called-expert way too long to realize what I suspected right after we saw the second victim, the ending was kind of boring, and there was one very short part that probabaly didnapos;t bother anyone else but will leave me queasy every time I think about it for the next few days.
I donapos;t like the new WoW loading screen. Itapos;s all cold and snowy. Which is the point, I know, but it doesnapos;t mean I should appreciate it. The next expansion better take place in a land of eternal warmth, thatapos;s all Iapos;m saying.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.
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�I think the world is one giant paradox.� Itapos;s so complicated that it boils down to a simplistic form- one so very dull and depressing that we keep in complicated in order to make ourselves feel better for its effects and facts.� If itapos;s confusing, then we can distance from it.� If we understand, then... Well, what else to do, but to go out and vote for somebody we hate, in hopes that it would eventually bring into power a new minority or just take out the guy we hate more?
... But then, isnapos;t that what we spend our time doing anyway?� Deciding, instead of between people, between two possibilities.
1.� The so called apos;lesser-of-two-evilsapos;
���� or
2.��The devil we know
���� So yeah, how many of us muttered one of these two lines (if note both) while considering who to vote for?� Or worse, while we sat back and decided to just screw the whole election because damned if we know dick all about whatapos;s gonna happen in the long run.� We knew Harper, after all, but here he is proclaiming that heapos;s gonna change his oh-so class-act up in a huge way.� And likewise... Dion?� Beh.� The words wonapos;t come, to explain this atrocity... Letapos;s all just be glad heapos;s not the new PM.
��� So, with a huge change in the economy coming (already here?), with the promise of a new NAFTA (this in mind, if Obama goes big), severe issues with job stability and an aging workforce, it seems to me that Canada (and the world) is at a major turning point.� Is this gonna change based on a spectacularly bad vote?� People being turned away due to new (and fairly retarded) rules?� Power shortages across the board keeping the people from having their voices heard?� A quick and out-of-nowhere call for election in the first place, over shadowed hugely by our buddy-buddies down south and their race between the apos;devil-we-knowapos; and the up and coming apos;i-am-the-peopleapos; noob?
���� Not likely.� But they, it was a nice dream there for the whole of a week.� Seriously, a murder trial that puts one guys life on the line can take months or years, but the bastard who runs our so called free nation gets picked in a few weeks?�
���� Canada needs a change.� Problem is, to still be Canada at the end of all things, we need it to be a peaceful change of calm dignity that somehow works for everybody in a nice, politically correct way.
��� We could have a black man run for PM.� That might do it.
��� But hey, how many of us remember whats her name?� You know, the chick who led Canada for ages and did nothing of real importance?� And no, young people, I do not mean the queen.� Kim Campbell.� Right.� She was, what... Destroyed?� Completely?� Who knows, Barak, you might be lookinapos; at your future there.� Doing a new thing might be amazing at first, but you gotta get amazing results or the hammerapos;s gonna fall a lot harder then you ever thought possible.
���� And remember, everything that hits the fan will be evenly distributed.
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Iapos;m so glad.
I wound up watching my brothers dog for the night while he went over to his ex-girlfriends. At first I was really worried about it. Because I mean- well everytime he walks out of the room even for a second that dog spazzes out and starts crying and whining. So I was afraid that she would start crying and my grandma would find out. Now there are two things basically my grandma hates. Kids and animals. And if she were to find I was watching the dog Iapos;d get yelled at. The yelling from her would wake up my dad who would yell at her and me and then theyapos;d both turn on me. Sometimes living with two old people gets stressful u_u;;
But I dealt pretty well Samauri Jack came on and I was waiting for X-Men Evolution to show. So I layed down and was trying to get chi (the dog) to sleep. She was relaxing but still whining alot. Soon she stopped whining and was pretty much about to sleep. Then I got up to get some water and she followed me. But I did manage to watch X-Men so thats all I really cared about. As a bonus I watched Family Guy too lol. After Family Guy I knew she was super bored so I took her out in the backyard and tossed a tennis ball around to get her tired enough to sleep. So then I go to lie down and she didnapos;t want to sleep. I was like "Urghh damn..." And then I just opened my door and let her do whatever.
An hour later, Iapos;m sitting right here while she sleeps on my dads bed. I canapos;t get to sleep yet for some reason. Iapos;m tired, but it just hasnapos;t kicked in yet. I think itapos;s becase I have so much on my mind...
Iapos;m gonna put that dream in The Melancholy Oddities and work on it along with my other four stories Iapos;m working on.
Not many people are on at this hour and I really want to talk to someone... Iapos;m kind of bored and stuff. Oh well. As for the transfer between the diary to the live journal? Not gonna happen. Itapos;s too time consuming so Iapos;m just gonna put that link in my profile, then put the oekakie link in my diary. That way no one can trace back to my Live Journal. If you know me personally and you have this link your pretty lucky. Iapos;m not handing this out to certain people because they donapos;t deserve it. NYAH
Iapos;m gonna go work on some writing.
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So, I get home expecting to burn up an hour or so re-activating, restoring, and re-jailbreaking my iPhone.
I plug it into iTunes, wait a few seconds and... WTF? Everythingapos;s back and itapos;s fine now??? I mean, at least I didnapos;t have to waist a bunch of time fixing it, but that ALSO means there wasnapos;t even anything really WRONG with it...It had just decided to deactivate itself
How idiotic is that? Suck my dick, Apple
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