I saw a group on facebook called: Call Facebook to delete all Hate groups against Israel.
thereapos;s two things wrong with that. The most obvious is of course, they donapos;t care about any other kind of hate. Secondly, just because you disagree with one country doesnapos;t make you anti-semetic. Notice they arenapos;t saying anything about hate groups against jews. I really disagree with a lot of muslim countries. Thereapos;s a laundry list of things i hate that theyapos;ve done/do. But obviously i donapos;t hate muslims or arabs.
and seriously, people need to come off the shock of someone saying the holocaust didnapos;t really happen. So what? people believe in conspiracies about everything. Itapos;s not even worth acknowledging it.
ok getting drowsy now.
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