�I think the world is one giant paradox.� Itapos;s so complicated that it boils down to a simplistic form- one so very dull and depressing that we keep in complicated in order to make ourselves feel better for its effects and facts.� If itapos;s confusing, then we can distance from it.� If we understand, then... Well, what else to do, but to go out and vote for somebody we hate, in hopes that it would eventually bring into power a new minority or just take out the guy we hate more?
... But then, isnapos;t that what we spend our time doing anyway?� Deciding, instead of between people, between two possibilities.
1.� The so called apos;lesser-of-two-evilsapos;
���� or
2.��The devil we know
���� So yeah, how many of us muttered one of these two lines (if note both) while considering who to vote for?� Or worse, while we sat back and decided to just screw the whole election because damned if we know dick all about whatapos;s gonna happen in the long run.� We knew Harper, after all, but here he is proclaiming that heapos;s gonna change his oh-so class-act up in a huge way.� And likewise... Dion?� Beh.� The words wonapos;t come, to explain this atrocity... Letapos;s all just be glad heapos;s not the new PM.
��� So, with a huge change in the economy coming (already here?), with the promise of a new NAFTA (this in mind, if Obama goes big), severe issues with job stability and an aging workforce, it seems to me that Canada (and the world) is at a major turning point.� Is this gonna change based on a spectacularly bad vote?� People being turned away due to new (and fairly retarded) rules?� Power shortages across the board keeping the people from having their voices heard?� A quick and out-of-nowhere call for election in the first place, over shadowed hugely by our buddy-buddies down south and their race between the apos;devil-we-knowapos; and the up and coming apos;i-am-the-peopleapos; noob?
���� Not likely.� But they, it was a nice dream there for the whole of a week.� Seriously, a murder trial that puts one guys life on the line can take months or years, but the bastard who runs our so called free nation gets picked in a few weeks?�
���� Canada needs a change.� Problem is, to still be Canada at the end of all things, we need it to be a peaceful change of calm dignity that somehow works for everybody in a nice, politically correct way.
��� We could have a black man run for PM.� That might do it.
��� But hey, how many of us remember whats her name?� You know, the chick who led Canada for ages and did nothing of real importance?� And no, young people, I do not mean the queen.� Kim Campbell.� Right.� She was, what... Destroyed?� Completely?� Who knows, Barak, you might be lookinapos; at your future there.� Doing a new thing might be amazing at first, but you gotta get amazing results or the hammerapos;s gonna fall a lot harder then you ever thought possible.
���� And remember, everything that hits the fan will be evenly distributed.
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