воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

environment school activities

Operation: Gym is proving to be more challenging then expected. By this I mean that my one group weights class and a half-hour on the elliptical machine completely kicked my ass. Iapos;m not even going to tell you which weights I had to use for the class, because itapos;s embarrassing. I tried to tell myself that the first class with a new instructor is always hard, and that me spending the morning loading things into and out of trucks had not helped. Both are true, but really, thatapos;s what I get for being lazy. I hadnapos;t been to a gym for over a month - by far the longest stretch in at least 4 years.

I saw Quarantine. It was mostly good, harmless, gory zombie fun. However, three minor things bothered me: It took the so-called-expert way too long to realize what I suspected right after we saw the second victim, the ending was kind of boring, and there was one very short part that probabaly didnapos;t bother anyone else but will leave me queasy every time I think about it for the next few days.

I donapos;t like the new WoW loading screen. Itapos;s all cold and snowy. Which is the point, I know, but it doesnapos;t mean I should appreciate it. The next expansion better take place in a land of eternal warmth, thatapos;s all Iapos;m saying.
environment school activities, environment school setting, environment school supply, environment schools.

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