воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

dick strap wife

Sooo.. Today i went to this theatre thing called apos;china impressionsapos;.
I was really excited, from what iapos;ve seen on the website it would be beautiful. And yes my feelings were so right.

It was so beautiful.� like everything before the break was from the very traditional chinese culture, which is really beautiful.
The costumes were just flawless, soooo beautiful. Some were so big and they looked like it costed so much work so i was like *___*.
There were like different dances and some stories were explained by movies on this big screen,
it was very pretty.
They do so much about there presence on stage, they just look perfect. Everything is so straight but soft at the same time.
After the break it was more modern chinese dances/gymnastic, but also from other chinese cultures, THEy sure have a lot of different tribes, so it was pretty cool to see some differences.
The music was pretty awesome, the light effects to, the way they danced, the costumes, it was so much, but never over the top.

The dancers were really awesome. There were some hot guys between them *___*, i saw rocking hard abs, lol,
yeah, and the women were all beautiful.
i was surprised how beautiful everything was, and yeah, it just gives you this adrenaline, and this extra love for asia.
When i saw this, i was immidiately like: okay.. Holland has like no culture compared to asia.

yeah i enjoyed it (L) ( i probably forget to tell like so much, but well so be it )
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